terça-feira, 21 de agosto de 2012


Blog votado ao abandono porque a puta do pc se finou. Já há umas ricas semanas. Inicialmente pensei que ia morrer, mas a pouco e pouco soube relativizar e agora já nem dou pela falta.

2 comentários:

  1. Blame the game, not the player. Or for that matter, blame the horniness on looking through the glass on somebody's life, not the moral trespassing that comes with it. I was at my office looking the desert (Qatar Office, not London Office) and asking myself "where's my fucking Resentful Turkey sandwich?". For future reference if a computer fails and you really want to put something online just go straight to a Tech college, offer sex to a random geek and use the guy's computer afterwards. Nice for you to come back, keep it rolling.
