terça-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2010

O peru e as mulheres que vestem calças

Y - I’m tired of all our friends thinking I’m just a buffoon!

X - A buffoon? Are you insane? Every woman on the street constantly tells me that I have the perfect husband!

Y - They do not!

X - They do! They wish their husbands were thoughtful, great dads and had your sense of humour.

Y - And why do you sound annoyed by that?

X - How many people come up to you and tell you you have the perfect wife?

Y - (Silent)

X - Take your time!

Y - Lots!

X - Oh wrong, I know how our friends see us! You are the hard-working nice guy and I am the bitch. I am the one who’s constantly emasculating her husband, I am the one who can’t wait to get away from her kids (..)

Y - No! People don’t say that!

X - See? You are so nice you can’t even tell me the truth. For almost 20 years all I’ve heard is how incredibly lucky I am to have a guy like you. So if I don’t constantly brag about how great you are it’s only because I don’t wanna be reminded of how much I don’t deserve you.

1 comentário:

  1. tu és má. não pensas nos outros e só fazes porcaria.
    mas até que escreves umas coisas giras ás vezes..
